Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Item 21: Video Sharing

I have found watching videos online to be one of the most frustrating experiences ever. They take forever to open, and then you can only watch a few seconds at a time, wait 20-30 seconds, watch 2 more seconds of the video then wait again. It takes 15 minutes to watch a 2 minute video. And this is using the 'high-speed' connection here at work. I have very little patience for this ridiculous situation. Until this issue is resolved, I find online videos to be mostly useless... and this includes the majority of the videos to which I've been directed by this whole 2.0 training process.

However, I do know that uTube is referenced to me by teens daily, and when I had them watching the video for our RobotDance at our YAAB meeting, they played around on uTube for quite some time sharing their favorite finds with each other. It quickly got rather inappropriate, and had to be redirected.

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