Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Social Networking Item 10

I think that social networking is something with which we would be silly not to become involved. It is definitely here to stay! I'm very glad that YAAB has its own myspace page, and that we are reaching out to young people in their 'own backyard'. Using the computer to social network is immediate and fast. It's amazing how quickly, and how far, your contacts grow as you connect with friends of friends of friends.

However, there are some disadvantages too. When I approached my YAAB group about upgrading our group's website to a myspace account, they chose not to, as they would not be able to access the myspace info through their school computers due to filtering etc. However, I'm still waiting on the teen to volunteered to maintain the site to bring it up to date. We may need to reassign.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Meebo Me: item 9

With a little help from my friends, I was able to get the meebo widget onto my blog sidebar. It was not very obvious.

I've only had one personal experience with IM and it was so overwhelming, that I don't ever really want to do it again. Bing Bing Bing... It was impossible to keep up with the speeds while trying to decipher the language! Know wonder our teens can't communicate in complete sentences anymore...not to mention accurate spelling... but I digress.

However, it was much more effective than trading emails ; much more similar to a phone conversation. So I absolutely understand appeal. The wonder of Meebo is that it collects all the various providers through one simple gateway, of sorts. Then you don't need to have an ID for each of the different ones to be able to communicate with everyone, or wonder who's currently on where.

As for library applications, it would be very useful for the patrons to have automatic electronic access to us for reference needs, but it would require that a *very* skilled someone was monitoring it at all times. This person would need to be able to handle multiple conversation threads at one time, and they would need to be able to keep up with the constant 'binging', without going nuts.

As an inter-staff communication tool, I'm not sure if it could be used on shared computers. I suppose the Meebo would only allow one person to access the program at once. But for those with a dedicated computer, it would be a very quick way of connecting across the system.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RSS Feeds : Item 8

I've spent about an hour searching through Bloglines and the other search tools adding feeds to my account, and I've found that the Bloglines Beta seems to be the easiest way to go for browsing a wide selection of topics. I've also had some success with adding feeds directly from some blogs and websites. It's like creating a huge friends list from all over the web.

I like how all the posts for a related feed come together in one scroll. It makes it much easier to get compiled information about a specific topic and see it all in a quick view. Now if I only had the time to spend reading any of the articles! heh.

As a programmer, I can see how rss feeds could be useful for sharing information between branches for book discussion groups, YAABs, early learning events, etc.

RSS Feed Me

RSS Feeds... Wow!

I had no idea that this option was available, but I tend to be rather clueless about technology. I can see how they would be extremely useful for people who are constantly on the web for current events and such. I'm not typically one of those people, but I can see the application. It seems to make sense to streamline; to have all the current postings come to you, rather than you constantly searching in vain for newly added ones.